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Think Alumni provide destination surveys for many Further Education Colleges.

Our telephone surveys gather destination data to comply with the requirements of the ILR and to inform curriculum planning. What’s more, our benchmark data of around 50,000 destinations from across the UK allows your College to demonstrate the efficacy of its courses.


How your destination data pays for itself

At Think Alumni we believe that destination data isn’t just useful in complying with ILR requirements. Your destination survey can be used to increase re-enrolments and develop a mutually beneficial relationship between your alumni and the College. By collecting up-to-date email and contact details we are able to offer further learning opportunities and develop a network of volunteers offering testimonials, apprenticeship opportunities and more.


Our surveys include questions to meet your ILR requirements, and we are able to tailor the questions to meet any additional requirements you may have. We like to include a question in our surveys that asks if the former student would like any information about other courses offered by the college. Our recent destination data analysis has shown that 17% of former students respond positively â€“ for an ‘average’ college this will equate to 250 course enquiries and should mean the survey ‘pays for itself’.


What’s more, your College can begin a programme of cost-effective longitudinal destination research to demonstrate the college’s true economic impact over the longer term.


A summary PowerPoint report to share with senior leaders and managers is included in our costs. This can be segmented by 16-19, adult, and work-based learners and we can include an anonymised benchmark against other colleges we work with (currently we hold around 50,000 destination records) to show how your college compares. And we provide a file with the full data collected to allow you to integrate with your MIS.


Over the duration of the survey we will make 20 attempts to contact each student and we use email surveys to further increase response rates.

©2024 WCL Alumni Limited

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