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Kieron White

Using Alumni to test HE Fee levels

Higher Education (HE) is a growing area for Colleges with 204 FE Colleges offering HE courses (AoC Key Facts 2018/2019) and offering a cost-effective alternative to studying at University. One of our client Colleges asked us to survey their alumni to inform the College’s HE offer, and in particular to consider the level of fees that they should charge for HE courses. A report was shortly due with their Governors so we quickly designed a survey and introductory email and sent it to their alumni group.

The survey received 423 responses and the results showed that the cost of the course was only the 4th most important factor when considering which organisation to choose for an HE course.

Unsurprisingly, the most important factor was that the organisation offered the desired course. Location ranked second and reputation third.

Fifth in the ranking was the learning facilities, with entry requirements and flexible studying options ranking sixth and seventh.

In the light of Think Alumni’s survey, the college was able to set HE fees at an appropriate level in the knowledge that cost was not the most important factor in students' decisions about where to study.

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